Who run the World?: The critical role of women in achieving sustainable development

By GLOBUS Correspondent, Karishma Bansal Women have long been subjected to patriarchal roles in society, limiting their ability to work in the official sector, have a political voice, and own land, all of which reinforce gender inequity. The reality of attaining the Sustainable Development Goals gets increasingly startling as we approach 2030. If current trends continue, over 340 million women and girls will still live … Continue reading Who run the World?: The critical role of women in achieving sustainable development

the covid 19 pandemic and female leadership

By Angelo Balagtas, GLOBUS Correspondent Since the outbreak of the Covid-19 (AKA Coronavirus) Pandemic, an article written by Supriya Garikipati and Uma Kambhampati has​ sparked a debate regarding the relationship between gender, leadership and the containment of covid: That is – as the article is titled – ‘Does Gender ‘Really’ Matter’ when it comes to the management of the coronavirus outbreak? The article used data … Continue reading the covid 19 pandemic and female leadership

Period poverty – Whose problem, whose responsibility?

“Period poverty is a situation many girls and women find themselves in when they are unable to afford the costly period products. Globally, period poverty intersects with other forms of disadvantage, including poverty and geography. It costs young girls their education. It impacts their ability to fulfil their potential and affects their ability to secure a decent job and lift their families out of poverty. … Continue reading Period poverty – Whose problem, whose responsibility?

How Toxic Masculinity Contributes To Climate Change

On the surface, it might seem like women are more eco-friendly – they are better at recycling, litter less, and leave a smaller carbon footprint, according to a California State University 2000 study, a Behrend College study and 2010 research by the Swedish Defence Research Agency respectively. Moreover, an article in the Scientific American written by Brough (who also co-wrote the article “Is Eco-Friendly Unmanly?”) … Continue reading How Toxic Masculinity Contributes To Climate Change

How Should Females be Represented in Literature?

How Should Females be Represented in Literature? Hello! I’m Olivia from Olivia’s Catastrophe – a book blogger who loves to read and review books, as well as discuss bookish culture. And today I wanted to discuss female representation in books. In young adult (YA) literature, we see females represented differently all the time. We get those amazing, kick-butt female characters who are off saving the … Continue reading How Should Females be Represented in Literature?